
【電子】[En/Jp]穴を掘る男 A man who digs holes

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pdf形式、本編76頁、日本語/英語版同梱。 pdf file, monochrome manga of 76 pages, both Japanese/English eddition included. 復興費横領や違法なゴミ埋め立ての黒い噂がささやかれる広大な処分場のある田舎町。 そこにふらりと現れた寡黙な男。処分場受け入れ反対派だった先代町長の娘。2人は立入禁止のフェンスの中で出会う。 男は処分場の不正を暴く正義漢か? 証拠をネタに町長を強請る悪漢か? 町長の暴力団じみた脅しにも屈せずひたすらに穴を掘り続ける男についに暴力の嵐が襲い掛かる。 そして明かされる男の過去と真の目的とは。穴を掘るとは彼にとって何を意味するのか。 ハードボイルドアクションまんが、日本語版本編あとがき76頁、同内容の英語版を同梱したバイリンガル仕様となっております。 A hardboiled-action manga that contains both 76 pages of English edition and the same quantity of Japanese edition. A country town that there is black gossips. An usurpation of fund for reconstruction, burying illegal trash... A reticent man come there from somewhere. And there is a daughter of the last mayor who was an opposition against acceptance of final disposal site. She meets the man in a fence of the disposal site. Does the man want justice by digging up an evidence of injustice? Or does he want money by blackmailing the mayor? Violence of Yakuza happens to the man who digs holes with dauntless will. What is his true purpose? Why does he dig holes at the disposal site? What does "dig" mean for him?

pdf形式、本編76頁、日本語/英語版同梱。 pdf file, monochrome manga of 76 pages, both Japanese/English eddition included. 復興費横領や違法なゴミ埋め立ての黒い噂がささやかれる広大な処分場のある田舎町。 そこにふらりと現れた寡黙な男。処分場受け入れ反対派だった先代町長の娘。2人は立入禁止のフェンスの中で出会う。 男は処分場の不正を暴く正義漢か? 証拠をネタに町長を強請る悪漢か? 町長の暴力団じみた脅しにも屈せずひたすらに穴を掘り続ける男についに暴力の嵐が襲い掛かる。 そして明かされる男の過去と真の目的とは。穴を掘るとは彼にとって何を意味するのか。 ハードボイルドアクションまんが、日本語版本編あとがき76頁、同内容の英語版を同梱したバイリンガル仕様となっております。 A hardboiled-action manga that contains both 76 pages of English edition and the same quantity of Japanese edition. A country town that there is black gossips. An usurpation of fund for reconstruction, burying illegal trash... A reticent man come there from somewhere. And there is a daughter of the last mayor who was an opposition against acceptance of final disposal site. She meets the man in a fence of the disposal site. Does the man want justice by digging up an evidence of injustice? Or does he want money by blackmailing the mayor? Violence of Yakuza happens to the man who digs holes with dauntless will. What is his true purpose? Why does he dig holes at the disposal site? What does "dig" mean for him?