
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7

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PDFファイル、64頁。 紙本版はキンドルペーパーバック(kindleの受注生産方式)で発売中です。 →https://amzn.to/3MTA8l7 PDF file, 64 pages of Japanese style manga. Monochrome, goes from right to left. Including both a Japanese/English edition. The English edition is included in the second half. *Japanese version of blender is used for the screen shot in the work.

[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ7: Days of hacking 3D space Pixel days 7
PDFファイル、64頁。 紙本版はキンドルペーパーバック(kindleの受注生産方式)で発売中です。 →https://amzn.to/3MTA8l7 PDF file, 64 pages of Japanese style manga. Monochrome, goes from right to left. Including both a Japanese/English edition. The English edition is included in the second half. *Japanese version of blender is used for the screen shot in the work.


Diving into the world of 3D production software (physically)!!